What are your office hours?
Monday – Friday, 8AM – 4PM
What are burning regulations?
Burning is permitted in Unity Township in all zoning area unless a burning ban has been issued by the Township Ordinance Officer. A burning ban will be issued at the request of the Unity Township Fire Bureau or at the discretion of the Ordinance Officer if dry weather conditions dictate a need for a burning ban.
When maintaining a fire in the township the following guidelines must be adhered to:
Burning is limited to Tuesdays and Saturdays, only.
No burning is to be conducted within 50′ (fifty feet) of any structure or within 25′ (twenty-five feet) of any property line.
Burning shall be conducted from dawn to dusk.
Burning shall be limited to brush and branches only; the use of “burn barrels” for burning trash is strictly prohibited.
Burning of construction materials is strictly prohibited.
All fires must be attended and an adequate source of water must be immediately available to extinguish the fire.
Any person, firm, or corporation who shall violate or fail to conform to any of the provisions of this chapter shall, upon conviction thereof, be sentenced to pay a fine of not less than $500 nor more than $1000, together with costs of prosecution and reasonable attorneys’ fees incurred by Unity Township.
How can get an application for a building permit?
Applications are available at the Township Zoning Office during normal office hours. For more information on building permits go to the Zoning/Code Office web page.
What is the contact information for the State Office of Open Records
Office of Open Records
Commonwealth Keystone Building
400 North Street – Plaza Level
Harrisburg, PA
(717) 346-9903
What are the regulations for a septic tank system, and who enforces them?
On-lot septic systems are regulated by the Pennsylvania State Department of Environmental Protection (DEP). Each municipality in the state is required to employ or contract with a DEP licensed Sewage Enforcement Officer (SEO) for enforcement of the DEP regulations.
Emil Bove
(724) 925-9269
Who is the Dog Ordinance Officer for Unity Township
Gary Hoffman
(724) 468-5505
What are some of the demographics of Unity Township
The best source of demographics is directly from the U.S. Census Bureau. Click here and we’ll take you to the “Profile of General Demographic Characteristics: 2000” for Unity Township, Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania.
NOTE: The link above requires Adobe Acrobat to view and print.
Can you suggest other sites where I can learn more about Unity Township and the region?
Latrobe Area Chamber of Commerce
The Official Pennsylvania State Website