Important Notice!!!

Mine Subsidence and Abandoned Mines 

It is estimated that there are more than 1 million buildings in Pennsylvania that sit atop abandoned underground coal mines. For that reason, areas in and around Unity Township have experienced and continue to experience mine subsidence, the following information is being provided to assist you in resolving your concerns.


1What is Mine Subsidence
Mine Subsidence is the sinking or shifting of the ground surface due to the collapse of an underground mine shaft, causing depressions, troughs or sinkholes on the surface. This underground movement often damages the structured build on top or near the mined out areas.
2How do I report a mine subsidence occurance?
Should you suspect or observe a sinking, shifting or sudden opening of a sink hole, you should contact the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) at 814-472-1800. They will connect you with the appropriate person to help you with this issue.
3Is my home or business located over a mine out area?
To determine if your home or business is located over a mined out area, you should go to the DEP website at and "click on" Maps. Then "click on" PA DEP Mine Subsidence Insurance Risk Map. Enter your address in the information box and the map will show you if the address is located in a mined area.
4Where can I get mine subsidence insurance?
Most insurance companies do not offer mine subsidence insurance to homeowners. You can check with your insurance company to be sure. The DEP however, does offer affordable mine subsidence insurance. You can access the insurance application and coverage premiums by "clicking on" Mine Subsidence Insurance on the DEP's website. If you need further assistance, please contact the DEP at 814-472-1800

Welcome to Unity Township!

The Unity Township Municipal Building is centrally located within the township along Beatty-County Road just off of Route 30.

The Township was formally incorporated on September 23, 1789 with initial records of settlement going back to 1760. Unity Township was formed from Mt. Pleasant Township, one of Westmoreland’s original municipalities. Today, Unity Township is a Second Class Township with an area of 69 sq. miles, a population of 22,607 and maintains approximately 140 miles of roads. Duties and responsibilities of the road crew include paving, winter maintenance, ditch cleaning, removal of fallen trees along with many other tasks.

Zoning was instituted in Unity Township on September 25, 1991. Building permits along with on-lot septic permit applications and recycling information can be obtained through the Code office.